Adding Massage Therapy to your regular health and wellness routine can greatly benefit your well-being and body. What tends to hold people back from incorporating massage into their lives is cost and time!
Therefore we have introduced the All You Knead Monthly Wellness Membership!
Monthly 60-minute massage sessions start at $55 per month!
Monthly 90-minute massage sessions start at $65 per month!
By becoming an All You Knead member, you get to experience the following perks:
1 Hour or 90-Minute Massage to schedule at your convenience*
Free Service Upgrade *Foot Scrub/Facial Sheet Mask/Hot Stone Only*
Unused Sessions Rollover Month To Month!
Priority Scheduling for Members Only!**
*Can not be combined with other offers. Additional fees apply for other add-on services. Price does not include gratuity.
**Extended hours are available for members only and will not be opened to the public. Therefore, reserved hours will not be displayed on the online scheduler. Priority Scheduling is on a first come, first served basis.